Thursday, April 07, 2011

Tips for Urban Tree Growth - White Paper

Dear readers,

With Spring comes rain…. and this white paper on the lifecycle costs and benefits of enabling long-term urban tree growth.

The paper, entitled "Lifecycle Cost Analysis: Investment vs. Returns for Healthy Urban Trees," has been provided by Deep Root Partners and The Kestrel Design Group. The white paper offers effective stormwater and urban forest planning strategies to ensure the community is getting the most from its investment.

As a tree matures, the environmental benefits it provides increase exponentially. The average tree in urban environments dies within 13 years due to insufficient soil volumes for root growth. Consequently, they are never able to make a significant ecological contribution to their community, and are replaced constantly. This white paper provides information and tips for gaining more value on long-term urban tree investments and benefits. 

Feel free to utilize the information. If you would like to talk with the researchers or learn more about the sponsoring companies, please contact me.

Thank you for your interest,
Julie Metea
On behalf of Deep Root Partners
313-320-3937 cell 

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