Wednesday, March 05, 2008

CaGBC's 'Shifting into the Mainstream' Event June 11 & 12.

Keynotes by David Suzuki & Ray Anderson

Register before March 31st to save $100 for Shifting into the Mainstream, the Canada Green Building Council's summit for industry decision-makers on June 11-12, 2008 in Toronto.

You will learn how the CaGBC is evolving LEED® Canada certification to a 'life-cycle building performance management system for any type of building, new and existing.'

Find out about:

  • real building performance
  • economic opportunities
  • GHG reduction potential
  • best solutions for high-performance buildings in Canada

National pilot project reports for K-12 schools, commercial offices and public administration buildings will demonstrate the next generation of LEED, including:

  • rating system enhancements
  • proposed distributed delivery model

See how these initiatives will enable the CaGBC to achieve their impressive goals:

  • certifying 100,000 buildings and 1 million homes by 2015
  • reducing energy and water consumption by 50%
  • lowering GHG emissions by 50 Megatonnes

Register now. Don't miss this groundbreaking event.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Landscaping & the Environment Video Clip

Watch this new video on the home page of compliments of Building Green TV. Learn some interesting and shocking statistics about water usage for domestic gardening, listen to some tips about how to conserve water and plant smart in your home, rooftop or business landscaping.

Here's a link to the iGreenBuild home page. The video is to the right ready for you to click play.

Send us your video or green building article. Contact Matt Banes, Publisher at (714) 374-6969.