Saturday, September 15, 2007

Seattle Sets The Pace For Green Building In U.S.

I just read an interesting piece in the Seattle Times about King and Snohomish counties having a goal to build 10,000 Built Green homes by 2010. According to the Times the total already stands at nearly 12,000 homes. Amazing! Take a look at and learn about how this organization provides consumers with rating systems for green-home construction and remodeling in Seattle. This is a great initiative that other cities and counties around the nation are learning from.

Cheers to and our friends in Seattle!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Popular Green Building Article

Good morning, afternoon or evening...depending on where you are right now. Here's a quick preview of another article from that has been forwarded to lots of readers from other readers on the web site. In partnership with local Native American communities, model homes that demonstrate the "eco" in both ecology and economy are taking shape as a class project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This is what we need to see happening in more of our higher ed programs.

Pass "Building Green For Less Green" to any other green building enthusiasts.