Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where are the World's Greenest Buildings

Green building industry leader Jerry Yudelson says that green building has continued to grow worldwide in spite of the global economic crisis and the ongoing credit issues in most countries. The green building consultant is now looking to document how well these projects are doing by looking at ongoing performance data, especially those rated at the highest levels in the various national green building rating systems (e.g., LEED Platinum, BREEAM Outstanding, Six-Star Green Star). “What we’re seeing is that more projects are going green each year, and there is nothing on the horizon that will stop this trend,” explains Jerry Yudelson, the principal of Tucson-based green building consultancy, Yudelson Associates, “but the bigger issue is: how are they performing?” An upcoming book from Yudelson and Ulf Meyer, “The World’s Greenest Buildings: Promise vs. Performance in Sustainable Design,” will be published in Spring 2012 by Routledge Taylor & Francis, a leading global publisher based in London. Yudelson and his co-author, Professor Ulf Meyer (currently teaching at the University of Nebraska), are asking for submissions of top-rated green projects (such as LEED® Platinum in the U.S.) worldwide that are willing to release at least a year’s worth of documented energy and water use.

Projects must be at least 5,000 square meters (or 50,000 square feet) in floor area and have been completed no later than the beginning of 2004. “We want to establish metrics of contemporary practice for building teams to aim at. For example, one possible benchmark might be100-kilowatt hours per square meter per year of primary or source energy use,” said Yudelson. “Only when we know what to aim at can we begin to confidently start reducing carbon emissions from new buildings.” Yudelson has prepared a simple online survey that project owners, managers and architects can use to submit buildings for the authors’ consideration. The survey can be accessed at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/worldsgreenestbuildings. Submission deadline is October 31, 2010.

About Yudelson Associates and Jerry Yudelson Yudelson Associates is a leading international firm in sustainability planning and green building consulting. The founder, Jerry Yudelson, is widely acknowledged as one of the nation’s leading green building and sustainability consultants. He is the author of 12 green building books and served for two years as Research Scholar for Real Estate Sustainability for the International Council of Shopping Centers, a 70,000-member international trade organization. He is a frequent green building keynote speaker at industry and professional conferences around the world. He chaired the industry’s largest annual show, Greenbuild, from 2004 through 2009. For more information please contact Jerry Yudelson, 520-207-9759, or visit the Yudelson Associates website,http://www.greenbuildconsult.com/.

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